This video discusses the pelvic thrust graph in AMM3D with TPI reports. I explain the basics of the curve and then look at an actual example of a golfer with excessive early extension and how we help her fix it using biofeedback drills. If you don’t have an AMM3D system there is still a good drill to help this problem. Put the back of a folding chair behind you at address, so that your glutes are just touching it. Now practice your backswing and downswing slowly while attempting to push the chair backwards, first with your right glute on the backswing and then your left glute on the downswing and follow through. This will help prevent you from thrusting your hips toward the ball during the swing and hence eliminate early extension.
Pelvic Thrust Biofeedback using AMM3D Golf
Pelvic Thrust Graph in AMM3D Golf System, with a Biofeedback Example